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Going into year 2018
Real estate experience of all REALTORS® (median): 10 years, with 4 year tenure at a firm – We have been in real estate at Virginia Properties / Long & Foster since 2002; in housing related fields since 1986
REALTORS® by gender: Male 37%; Female 63% – Ann & John cover both sides of the equation.
Formal education of REALTORS®: Ann & John both have Graduate / Masters degrees.
- Some college: 31%
- Associate degree: 11%
- Bachelor’s degree: 30% (Ann from Georgetown University, John from Randolph-Macon College)
- High school graduate: 9%
- Graduate degree and above: 10% (Ann from George Washington University, John from The Catholic University of America)
- Some graduate school: 8%
REALTOR® affiliation with firms: Ann is an Associate Broker, and works in real estate sales as an Independent Contractor.
- Independent contractor: 81%
- Employee: 6%
- Other: 13%
Source: 2017 National Association of REALTORS® Member Profile
NAR Membership Statistics
Members to date: Approximately 1.22 Million
In 2016, there was a continued rise in new members of the National Association of REALTORS®, increasing from 1.16 million in March 2016 to 1.22 million in March 2017. This is apparent in the data: with those who have less than two years of experience was 28 percent, an increase from 17 percent 2015. The median years of experience in real estate was 10 years.
Additionally, tenure at firm was a median of four years. The median age of REALTORS® remained at 53 in the 2017 survey, the same as last year and the lowest it has been since 2008 when the median age was 52. The median age held steady between 56 and 57 from 2011 to 2015. The drop in age may be attributed both to members retiring and to new younger entrants to the business. This year, only 30 percent are over 60 years old and four percent are less than 30, consistent with last year.
Twelve percent of members who have two years or less experience are under 30 years of age. Limited inventory continues to plague many housing markets in the United States. For the fourth year in a row, the difficulty of finding the right property has surpassed the difficulty in obtaining mortgage financing as the most cited reason limiting potential clients. Impacted by limited inventory, the typical number of transactions rose slightly from 11 transactions in 2015 to 12 transactions in 2016.
With rising home prices again in 2016, the median brokerage sales volume rose to $1.9 million from $1.8 million in 2015. The median gross income of REALTORS® was $42,500 in 2016, an increase from $39,200 in 2015. New members entering the field have differences in income by experience, function, and hours worked per week. Fifty-six percent of members who have two years or less experience made less than $10,000 in 2016 compared to 38 percent of members with more than 16 years of experience who made more than $100,000 in the same time period.
Jessica Lautz Meredith Dunn Brandi Snowden Amanda Riggs Brian Horowitz
May 2017
REALTORS® with 16 years or more experience had a median gross income of $78,850 up from $73,400 in 2015 compared to REALTORS® with two years or less experience that had a median gross income of $8,930 an increase from $8,500.
The typical member is an independent contractor affiliated with an independent company catering to local markets. REALTORS® frequently have had careers in other fields prior to real estate, the most common being in management, business, and financial professions, followed by sales and retail. Only four percent indicated that real estate is their first career. The majority of members are female homeowners with a college education. Looking ahead, 82 percent of REALTORS® are very certain they will remain in the market for two more years.
Aspiring Home Buyers Profile
The Aspiring Home Buyer Profile is an in depth examination of the consumer preferences of non-homeowners, defined as those that rent and those that live with someone else (such as family or friends) without paying rent.
The Aspiring Home Buyer Profile compares and contrasts the perceptions of homeownership, the American Dream, and housing affordability from the perspective of non-homeowners.
The 2017 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers
Highlights From the Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers
For most home buyers, the purchase of real estate is one of the largest financial transactions they will make. Buyers purchase a home not only for the desire to own a home of their own, but also because of changes in jobs, family situations, and the need for a smaller or larger living area. This annual survey conducted by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® of recent home buyers and sellers provides insight into detailed information about their experiences with this important transaction. Here are highlights from the latest report.